Prince's Estate seeks to own the Pantone colour

Image result for pantone hue color for prince
The Pantone Hue Colour... image credit by Danaher

Prince’s estate and Paisley Park Enterprises, the late star’s main business company, want to legally claim the color- PANTONE as their own (in addition, of course, to any common law rights they already maintain in the color as a result of Prince’s use of it since the 1980’s.

In furtherance of this, the parties filed an application for registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) this month for “the color purple” for use on “musical sound [and] musical video recordings,” “motion picture films featuring music and musical entertainment,” and “entertainment services, namely, live performances,” “operating a museum and providing guided tours of the museum,” among other things. 

The trademark will be examined by a USPTO attorney (to ensure that it is not confusing similar to any existing marks) and then published in the USPTO’s weekly publication, thereby giving other parties that believe they will be damaged by the registration of the mark an opportunity to oppose it.

 News Source- The Fashion Law

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