Criminal sanctions for Intellectual Property Infringement in Chile

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Arrests were made in a port city in southern Chile's Lake District of five people for violating Intellectual Property Law in seven pubs and restaurants in Puerto Montt. The suspects had illegally downloaded and distributed movies and music.

The detectives in charge of the raid were from the Economic Crimes Brigade, working with the Chilean Society of Phonographic and Videographic Producers, aka Profovi, who also carried out the seizure of various kinds of digital storage and notebooks. The items seized were valued at 30 million pesos (USD 51,000).

Piracy of audio-visual content in Latin America is usually discouraged for the following reasons;

·        It generates demotivation in the investment and development of projects for the production of films, documentaries and all kinds of audio-visual content.

·        Methods of piracy have become increasingly sophisticated, forcing the reinforcement of copyright protection to ensure that the creative community flourishes


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