Volkswagen and Harley Davidson file trademark applications

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Volkswagen has filed a trademark application for its global pickup truck, the Amarok, in the U.S. marketplace presumably because it is preparing to eventually sell the mid-size pickup truck in the states.
The registration process started Nov. 22, 2017, and it is obvious that VW is protecting itself in the US in order to ensure that no other company — automotive or otherwise — can claim the Amarok name before Volkswagen enters the potentially lucrative U.S. mid-size pickup market.

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Harley-Davidson, Inc. (H-D), or Harley, is an American motorcycle manufacturer, founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1903- Wikipedia.
The company has filed trademark applications for “Pan America” and “48X sparking rumours of new models. The guess is that perhaps the 48X will be a high-performance version of the existing Forty-Eight with upgraded brakes and suspension or even just a Forty-Eight with a different aesthetic and the Pan America series may be some sort of touring version of a Sportster. The Harley-Davidson Sportster is a line of motorcycles produced continuously since 1957 by Harley-Davidson.

News source- The Drive


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