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For 146 years, the trademark The Greatest Show On Earth  has been associated with the family entertainment icon Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus- Feld Entertainment .Kid Rock in a bid to promote his upcoming arena tour named the tour the “Greatest Show on Earth”. He was therefore sued by Feld Entertainment on the grounds of infringing on and diluting the meaning of the phrase with the intention is to prevent the singer from using the moniker to promote shows or sell merchandise. Feld is suing both Rock and Live Nation, which is producing the tour. News reports indicate that Feld attorneys contacted both parties to resolve the dispute but were ignored.

Feld CEO and Chairman Kenneth Feld stated that “This historic trademark has been an important part of Ringling Bros. for the past century, and it is recognized as a trusted and iconic brand of family-friendly entertainment. The Greatest Show On Earth continues to live on and will do so well into the future. We have no intention of surrendering the trademark or allowing it to be tarnished.”

News source: Spin News


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