Radio Amateur obtains patent for "Cloaking" technology

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Fractal Antenna Systems Inc and inventor of the fractal antenna has been granted a  patent for deflective electromagnetic shielding — essentially “cloaking” technology to defend against detection by radar and similar technologies. Detailed information on the Patent are provided hereunder;

·        The patent covers electromagnetic cloaking/deflection of, among other things, satellites, rockets, towers, antennas, vehicles, body coverings, ships, spacecraft, and even people.

·        The technology “provides one or more surfaces that act or function as shielding and/or cloaking surfaces for which at least a portion of the surface includes or is composed of ‘fractal cells’ (small fractal shapes, functioning as antennas or resonators) placed sufficiently close to one another, so that currently present in one fractal cell is replicated or reproduced to an extent in an adjacent fractal cell. Without being limited by any theoretical explanation, surface plasmonic waves are believed to cause such replication in conjunction with evanescent waves.” The resulting surface would deflect around an object.

·        In terms of backscatter, upon which radar systems depend, the incoming wave reflects off a boundary condition at the object. Its reflection is out of phase and phase-cancels with the incoming wave.

Fractal Antenna Systems first publicly demonstrated “person invisibility” in 2012 for a Radio Club of America audience. According to the company’s BusinessWire release, “Uses of the newly patented technology extend to commercial needs such as towers, antennas, people, and shielding, but it may also be used in defence and intelligence arenas.”

 News Credit- ARRL


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