Image result for trademark registry nigeria

Pic credit: IPONIGERIA
The Head of the Civil Service has approved the redeployment and posting of WK Amuga as Director
in the office of the Director in the Office of the Head of Service. Prior to the redeployment, he was
the Registrar of Trademarks, Patents, and Designs.

Mrs. Chinyere Agbai has been appointed as the Ag Director Commercial Law Department and has
since assumed duties, along with Stella Ezenduka as Registrar of Designs, SA Yauri will serve as
Registrar of Trademarks.

The Honorable Minister of Industry, Trade, and Investment addressed the team on Friday and
implored the officers to show commitment in the discharge of their duties, he emphasized the need
to observe the two projects on Ease of doing business in Nigeria and the Ministry's initiative on
Project PEAR (Professional, Efficient, Automated and Responsive registry), all of which are geared
towards improving service delivery by the CLD.


  1. Congratulation to them... I hope the younger Entrepreneurs would benefit from this...


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